The Ainsworth Grand Theater began being a volunteer run business in 2019. At that time, the Ainsworth Grand Theater Corporation was created and fully developed to be a completely volunteer run theater. The group was formed when the previous volunteer ran theater, Royal Theater (SAEC), which was formed in 2006, had a devastating fire making the need for a new building and ultimately a new Corporation to be formed. The community wanted to keep a theater in our town. Our local NCDC board members with other community volunteers began the work to find and build a new theater location. Upon the completion of the building, the new Ainsworth Grand Theater Corporation was formed complete with initial board members. Volunteer groups have signed up for weekly running of the theater similar to the previous Royal Theater. Each crew runs the theater for the entire weekend as shows are scheduled Friday through Sunday.

Volunteers consist of:
-Board Members
Board Member Volunteer Activities consist of advertising, maintaining Ainsworth Grand Theater Website, paying vendors, promoting the theater, scheduling & working with crews and various other activities.

-Weekend Crews
For each Friday, Saturday & Sunday, a movie is shown providing approximately 20-25 hours per week of volunteer hours. We currently have 13 crews!      
Volunteers activities include taking tickets, working the concession stand, and cleaning the theater.

Our movie could not be shown without the specialized equipment and specialized Projectionist to make this all happen!

-Approximate number of Volunteer hours per year: 1500